Thursday, September 15, 2011

How much do i sell a Giorgio Armani Neve coat for?

I have a red Giorgio Armani Neve coat with zip off sleeves. I keep reading that the Neve line is very rare and discontinued but I have no idea how much its actually worth number wise. Any ideas? Thanks! :)|||A LOT!|||okay well i don't know why you would want to sell a coat like that especially since its from one of our fashion fathers. But anyway if your going to sell it you can get it for a pretty penny since its a name brand automatically you can sell for 100 since its red things that tend to be other colors other than black tend to be more expensive so you can add EH 15 so we're at 115 now. Zip off sleeves are a bonus so another 10 now at 125 and since its rare to come by you can add another 75 to that making the coat if its in perfect condition 200 if you feel that's too much to sell drop to maybe 175 i know plenty of fashionistas who will die for that coat!!! Good luck selling and if your really into fashion check out my fashion blog.

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